
Monday, November 10

I'll Walk by Oluwaseyi Ige

 A smile here, a pat there

On and on I plodded

I know this walk will one day be applauded

Sneering, jeering and a smirk

Was all I could get from my admirers

'Keep the face straight' I told myself

Even they have got a heart heavier than mine

For help you could turn nowhere

As every man has got his own load to carry

A problem shared is half solved they say

Now it looks like a problem shared is worry doubled

Looking ahead is what I always do

Hoping this maxim will hold true:

The best days are yet to come

So in all these I've told myself

The road to go may be arduous and tortuous

If I have to, I'll drudge it

But there is no way I'm ever going to give up


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